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GeeCON 2009 - presentation slides
Speaker Title
Jacek Laskowski Making EJB 3.1 development a breeze with Apache OpenEJB
Waldemar Kot Liberate your enterprise Java applications from the Operating System (or: about the JVM-level virtualization)
Lubomir Petrik Sun Grid Engine
Bruno Bossola SOLID design principles
Adam Bien Java FX For Developers Not Designers
Tomasz Kaczanowski Automation of functional tests
Stephan Janssen Next generation Rich Internet Applications - case study
Antonio Goncalves Building enterprise applications using GlassFish
Antonio Goncalves What's new in Java EE 6?
Thomas E. Enebo JRuby: Ruby on the JVM
Vaclav Pech Groovy for Java experts
Jakub Podlesak Developing RESTful Web services with Jersey
Simon Ritter JavaFX: The Platform for Rich Internet Applications
Pawel Wrzeszcz Seam for Spring Developers